A Mad Tea-Party 227
Chapter: > Part Six
There probably are some Genie scientists somewhere in the world. But I guess Connie only looked up statistics for Japan.
If you look very carefully at this page from chapter two, you can see that the other nations that participated in building a Genie army for the war include the US, Mexico, Norway, Tanzania, Iran, India, Russia, Kazakhstan, South Africa, and Indonesia (with possibly some other places that are off the map).
Did… did they just get verbally pwned by an eight year old? That probably won’t help their mood any, but it’s hilarious.
Either way, this is giving me waaaaaaay too many flashbacks to college. I think it’s a requirement that every undergrad thinks they know how to fix the world.
Debate might not have been the best choice of battlefield for how to win against Connie Sakura. But give Hiro a chance, he’s not done yet.
Those numbers can’t be right. Surely my prospects for post-university employment are low based entirely on unfair competition from people who look funny (I guess, I’ve never actually seen any) and not based on my own choice to get a useless degree in nuthatch breeding!
Everyone said that nuthatch breeding was a solid career. All you had to do was get that degree and the nuthatching jobs would come rolling in. I don’t know what happened. It must have been the Genie. I heard about them on the news.
I’m Chinese-Norwegian, good to know at least one country was in on it. 😀
Also, nut-hatching? ^_^