I like the last-second word substitution. “Stuff” indeed. Also, the bio-lock thing looks fascinating. I’m guessing it’s like a handcuff, only it opens in response to a chemical trigger instead of being mechanical?
Roger is a street tough New Yorker whose natural inclination is no doubt to swear like a sailor. I guess he’s been self-editing during this entire story. :3
That is pretty much exactly what bio-locks are. They are probably opened by touch- but only from the right person.
The comics on this website range in rating from all ages to teen. Content warnings include some occasional mild language and some innuendo, and some not-very-graphic violence.
I like the last-second word substitution. “Stuff” indeed. Also, the bio-lock thing looks fascinating. I’m guessing it’s like a handcuff, only it opens in response to a chemical trigger instead of being mechanical?
Roger is a street tough New Yorker whose natural inclination is no doubt to swear like a sailor. I guess he’s been self-editing during this entire story. :3
That is pretty much exactly what bio-locks are. They are probably opened by touch- but only from the right person.