Heh…like he’s the first human to survive his expiration date without a backup plan. People have been dumping doom and gloom into the air for so long that every generation since mine has gone into the teens completely sure they’re going to off it in some catastrophe, then wake up one morning and go, “Holy crap! I’m forty! How did THAT happen?”
Agh! I should have known that last cliffhanger wasn’t going to let me off so easy! (Seriously, I’ve been checking my RSS feed multiple times a day to see if there’s an update yet.)
The comics on this website range in rating from all ages to teen. Content warnings include some occasional mild language and some innuendo, and some not-very-graphic violence.
Heh…like he’s the first human to survive his expiration date without a backup plan. People have been dumping doom and gloom into the air for so long that every generation since mine has gone into the teens completely sure they’re going to off it in some catastrophe, then wake up one morning and go, “Holy crap! I’m forty! How did THAT happen?”
Oh lord, when did I start reading this? at some point during Part 3?
Where has my life gone?
Like Zeus here, your ordeal is almost at an end (fifteen pages left to go). 😛
Why, it ended with a mighty song-and-dance routine!
And I won’t have anyone telling me ANY DIFFERENT!!!
History is written by the (musical theatre enthusiast) victors.
Hey, reminds me of Serenity Valley after the war… (Firefly/Serenity manga)
Agh! I should have known that last cliffhanger wasn’t going to let me off so easy! (Seriously, I’ve been checking my RSS feed multiple times a day to see if there’s an update yet.)
Oh I’m not done with Roger quite yet. Be patient! 😉