The News Men 4
Chapter: The News Men
I’m still working hard on getting Lords of Death and Life sent off to the printer, so unfortunately A Mad Tea-Party is going to be interrupted once again. I *might* still be able to update next week, but right now my priority needs to be this book. But hey, here’s a News Men comic to tide you over. You remember The News Men, right? The archives are in the left hand column.
This comic also happens to be entered into the Cloudscape Comic Battle. If you like it, maybe you should vote for it?
Oh man, we need to change your sidebar. It says the latest cloudscape anthology is funday sunnies, which is really an abortion on comics.
It’s not that bad!
But yes, changing that sidebar is at the top of a LONG list of things I need to do to this website. I just need to get my frikken book done first.
Just stumbled across this page while looking for other comics, and then spent the last few hours reading everything. On top of excellent art and storytelling, I’m blown away by the depth of your depictions of cultures, both real and imagined. Bravo.
Thanks! We aim to please! 🙂
Wow, how many comics can you pump out, man?! You mean to say all of those are YOURS!?! *Gags*